Meaning Amortized amounts
What does Amortized amounts mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Amortized amounts. You can also add a definition of Amortized amounts yourself


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Amortized amounts

Amounts such as taxes, fees, charges for service contracts, payments for insurance, and any prior credit or lease balance that are included in the gross capitalized cost and are paid as part of the ba [..]


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Amortized amounts

Amounts such as taxes, fees, charges for service contracts, payments for insurance, and any prior credit or lease balance that are included in the gross capitalized cost and are paid as part of the base monthly payment.
Source: (offline)


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Amortized amounts

Amounts--such as taxes, fees, charges for service contracts, payments for insurance, and any prior credit or lease balance--that are included in the gross capitalized cost and are paid as part of the base monthly payment.
Source: (offline)

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